

史蒂夫Irlbeck, 金融学助理教授, 和保罗学院的几个学生进行了一次谈话. Irlbeck recently earned the Paul College 2024年终身教职教师卓越教学奖.  

If you’re a student planning to take a course with 史蒂夫Irlbeck, be prepared to participate.   

Irlbeck, an 金融学助理教授, doesn’t let his students get lost in lectures. He structures his classes so students have a chance to work on problems in class while encouraging participation through tools like iClickers, 在学生回答问题时进行实时投票.  

“对他们来说,在课堂上看我做数学很容易, 但我认为重要的是让他们自己解决问题, 即使他们认为自己理解了材料,伊尔贝克说. “Until they sit down with a pen and paper to solve a problem on their own, 他们可能没有意识到他们的理解是不完整的."

Irlbeck’s ability to simplify complex financial subjects while keeping students engaged is one of the reasons he was honored with the 彼得?. 保罗经济与商业学院 2024年终身教职教师卓越教学奖.     

“I was surprised to receive the award because there are a lot of great instructors here,伊尔贝克说. “I’m grateful that my approach has resonated with students and their feedback has been so positive.”  


伊尔贝克承认,金融对学生来说可能具有挑战性, 尤其是如果他们早早落后的话. 为了解决这个问题, he prioritizes identifying struggling students early in the semester by incorporating frequent quizzes in class, 而不是依赖不那么频繁的考试.  

“It gives students more opportunities to apply the material consistently, 而不是为了一次考试死记硬背,伊尔贝克说. “It also allows me to identify and reach out to students who may need extra support and encourages them to seek help.”  

另外, 伊尔贝克一直在寻找保持素材新鲜的方法, 经常使用现实世界的例子, books and audiobooks to engage students and make the material more accessible.   

最近, 他用了伊丽莎白·霍姆斯的案例, a biotechnology entrepreneur who was convicted of fraud in connection to her blood-testing company Theranos, 在澳门葡京网赌游戏财务欺诈和公司治理的课堂讨论中.  

Irlbeck attributes these strategies to a teaching workshop he attended as a graduate student at the University of Kentucky, 他从哪里得到澳门葡京网赌游戏重复在教学中的重要性的建议.   

其中一位发言人说, “你必须告诉他们你要告诉他们什么, 告诉他们, 然后把你告诉他们的告诉他们,’”伊尔贝克解释道. “It often takes hearing or seeing something multiple times to fully grasp something. That’s why it’s crucial to present material in different ways — whether by using different methods, 另一种视角,或者将其与现实世界的事件联系起来." 

伊尔贝克吸引学生的能力, 同时保持课程的挑战性, 他给同事谢文娟和史蒂芬·西科恩留下了深刻印象, 谁提名Irlbeck获得教学奖.  

“史蒂夫与众不同的是他创新的教学方法. 他采用了多种方法, 从竞赛式的课堂活动到点击器的使用, and he facilitates on-the-spot discussions and mentors research-oriented projects,谢在提名中说. “He truly ensures every student is engaged and challenged with a fun twist. 我们开玩笑说他是一个被困在教授身体里的游戏节目主持人.”    


Irlbeck is kicking off the 2024-2025 academic year by teaching graduate courses in the 工商管理硕士(MBA)课程 这是他热切期待的新挑战.  

对于MBA学生来说, 他们的背景很广泛,有些是刚毕业的大学生, 有些是职业人士,有些是父母. Being in the classroom with such a diverse group brings a whole new element to teaching and allows me to connect with students in different ways,伊尔贝克说.   

Irlbeck也参与了组织 布雷顿森林会计和金融滑雪会议 并希望继续协助学生进行研究项目. 近年来, 他曾协助学生进行与银行危机相关的研究, 高管薪酬与制药行业法规.   

Irlbeck says the variety that comes with teaching is what he loves most about his work. 

“每天都有一点不同,”Irlbeck说. “通过研究,我们选择我们的工作. With teaching, you never know what questions will come up or where students' interests will lead."  

Mikayla葡萄树 |彼得·T. 保罗工商经济学院| mikayla.vine@8008c.com